Wednesday, January 27, 2010

It is just that kind of week...

I thought things were looking up when THREE maintenance men were at my door before 9:00 am to fix the plumbing and stove. Now- I haven't had a working oven in a year and I don't really care. I've done just fine without it. All day they had one person after another trying to figure out what could be wrong.

At 4:00 they replace my stove with one from another unit. The one they brought was MUCH cleaner than the one they took away. Okay- so I'm not much of a housekeeper. It didn't work and I didn't clean it. My mother doesn't know about this blog... and you can be sure there is not a year old french fry in the drawer under HER oven... :-)

So- just in time for supper. It was pretty exciting stuff. We turned on the little button and WOW! There is a LIGHT inside the oven. I guess that is so you can see how clean it is.

That is when things started to fall apart, blog fans! The large, back burner doesn't work. Okay, maybe (MAYBE!) I could deal if a small back burner doesn't work, but not the large one! I *NEED* all the burners so this is a CRISIS. A crisis. I was better off before they 'helped' me and that is the way it usually goes in my life so I wasn't one bit surprised.

This morning the power went off for an hour so that was pretty dramatic. It was -27 C outside so we wrapped up in blankets and tried to get friendly with the furry dog. We did find out that dh didn't have the correct medication in the emergency kit, though. Don't I always tell you to inventory your emergency kit every three months because a lot can happen in three months!

Tomorrow is another day... and hopefully a nice, quiet, warm day...

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