Sunday, June 27, 2010

A week for soup!

This is a busy week coming up. It is my last couple days at my job, month end, Canada Day, team meeting AND family and school...

I've told the family that I'm going to make soup for supper every night until 15% off Tuesday, July 6. No one looked like they would rebel so that's the plan.

If I have any extra time I might perfect GF carrot cake, too. I have a lot of carrots and I'm missing carrot cake.

The whole GF/ CF experience is not bad until you start thinking about something you are never going to have again like Grandma's doughnuts or carrot cake!

Monday, June 21, 2010

Just another 'life lesson' Sunday at Kim's house...

So we went yesterday to pick up Sunshine from a camp out. Sweet Sunshine, Happy Sunshine.... Dyslexic Sunshine. She wasn't given proper instructions before she left (mistake #1) so she and her friend had trouble finding it.

So I called her first thing in the morning so I would catch her in the tent. (Mistake #2) So the instructions I got were turn at Beaver-dam, then drive until you see a sign that says Goodville then drive until you see a sign that says Home-run campsite. Fine.

To make a long, hot driving story short.... I phoned from a gas station courtesy phone and finally narrowed it down to these directions: Drive THROUGH Beaver-dam and VERY SHORTLY you will see a sign for Goodville- ignore that. Then you drive another short amount and you will see 'water towers that are not water towers' (ignore them) then there will be a sign that says Home-run campsite. TURN. It is 1 km off the highway.

Sweet girl and we love her, but she can't give directions! (Lesson #1) GOOD GRIEF! What a hassle that was.

So then she goes into detail about how some of the other kids 'found' stinging nettle and she harvested it for tea. Oh, I said... is THAT why you are covered in a rash? She was camping with a group of paramedics and if they weren't concerned then I'm not either.

It should be noted that she is nearly 19 - old enough to poison herself with wild plants, if she so chooses... :-) (Lesson #2)

Saturday, June 19, 2010

I've had a big day today

Slightly daring because it is my first weekend off so it sort of feels like skipping school. I *should* be at work.... but I'm not... :-)

I went to the library and got a few books off their discard shelf. My hope was to turn some of them into bound art journals, but they don't all fit in the Bind it All machine. So I'm going to try an altered book instead.

My first altered book is from a book called Micro aliens and is full of cool pictures from an electron microscope. I should be able to do something fun with that. We'll see.

You may have noticed there is no food blogging lately. Well it's only because there is no food. It's hot and I am SO uninspired about cooking. Sunshine is at a camp out, the Wheat Eaters are ordering pizza and Schmidt and I are going to eat .... :-/ Something...

I got some fresh dill from the Huderittes this morning, though, so I predict there will be dill potatoes tomorrow.

Friday, June 18, 2010


I thought I was lost and I'd never see you all again!

In the last three weeks my grandpa died, the homeschool facilitator came, we went to the neurologist in another city, Brown Bear was put on new medication, Brown Bear reacted to the new medication, Brown Bear had to wean off the new medication, Dh got a job and I quit 2 of my 3 jobs.

It seems like a LOT, doesn't it? :-| OH, and DD#1 (Don't know, don't care) moved out and we rearranged all the furniture on the main floor.

My good friend suggested I start art journalling. I guess if a journal and a scrapbook got married - an art journal would be their baby. I went wandering around the internet and found Journal Artista. She is Canadian and I have enjoyed her videos.

In case my American blog readers are wondering what would be the difference if she weren't Canadian. Well... different things are sold in Canada than in the U.S. so when I see something on the internet that I want to attempt and go to the store... only to find that *I CAN'T GET IT* Well, you can see that my stress level is already high enough, right? :-)