Friday, October 9, 2009

The emergency kit

Included in our emergency kit we have first aid supplies, water, medication, emergency crank lights, hand warmers and candles. One of the lights has a radio and a siren.

I also have food for at least 72 hours.

Not pictured is the dog food and emergency plan. The emergency plan is a notebook with colour copies of our ID (Provincial ID, health care card and birth certificate) and health information. I have the medical histories for each person and family history where relevant.

Each person has their own page so if we are separated the pages can be ripped out and go with the person. We also have a family code word and my teens know not to go anywhere without the code word.

You may notice the neon 'juice' and cookies. Those are for the kid who can't eat the other supplies. Next time I go to the store I'll beef that up a little. Last time I went through the kit (3 months ago!) she was still eating everything.

This brings me to my last point. Don't just make the kit- check the kit every three months. In the last three months I've found out that one kid is allergic to wheat and gluten and another was diagnosed with epilepsy. Go through it, check the expiration dates and really give it some thought. What kind of emergency are you planning for? Can you truly survive in your home for 72 hours with those supplies? Can you evacuate and survive elsewhere for 72 hours or longer?

Get prepared

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