Saturday, January 9, 2010

Supporting the Local Economy...

Well holidays are over and it is back to homeschool! January is always the time that I do a skills check and kick things up a notch.

Brown Bear needs to work on writing and spelling and Schmidt needs to work on math. It is a bit of a mutiny every morning, but that is okay. I don't expect anyone to enjoy the subjects they aren't good in - they just have to DO them. I just heard homeschool moms all over North America go, "Ohhhhhh... :-("

TRUST ME- when they get to be teenagers they might not like it AND they still have to do it. :-)

So we walked down to the homeschool store and looked around. A new book never hurts. ;-P Brown Bear sat on the floor of the store and read it for about 10 minutes so he's probably going to remain interested in it.

Then we went to the quirky new and used bookstore across the street and Sunshine got a couple classics. They have two comfy couches and a wide array of interesting (and sometimes strange) merchandaise.

THEN we went to the caring shop and looked around. The caring shop has traditional art and crafts made by local native elders. 90% of the proceeds go to the artists. Sunshine bought three pieces of jewellery and is quietly making plans to go back and buy more some other day.

We are blessed with a vibrant downtown and we support local businesses as much as we can. It is a good time to look after your neighbours. :-)

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