Thursday, August 12, 2010

So I had a nightmare...

I fell asleep on the floor- you know- because I have no couch. Anyway... I was drifting off to sleep when I was suddenly gripped by a very real dream image of Sir Sanford Fleming. It wasn't the younger, spry Sanford or the elderly, distinguished Sanford. It was the middle aged, bushy, greying beard half way down his chest, looking like he just walked out of the bush Sanford. He was holding an enormous pocket watch and pinned me with a steely gaze. Then he said in a heavy Scottish brogue, "It's very important not to be late!"

And that is when I woke up in a puddle of my own drool... :-\ I don't know what to tell you. It freaked me out. That was two days ago and I'm still freaked out.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

In praise of plantains

At the company picnic I took an African co-worker aside and said - plantains... what do I *DO* with them?

Peel them, slice and fry. That's it! Plantains taste like a very tasty banana with a yam-like flavour. Just fry it in a tablespoon of the fat of your choice. We often use coconut oil because we think it is tasty.

One of the things that we miss from our GF/CF diet is caramel. Put a couple tablespoons of vegan margarine in the frying pan and cook with a couple tablespoons of brown sugar. Add 1/2 cup-1 cup of non-dairy milk and cook until you have caramel (ish. It won't be the SAME) Be careful because it burns.

And speaking of burning- plantains are high in sugar so watch them. They only need a couple minutes each side if they are ripe. If they aren't ripe just fry them longer. :-)

Nutrition information for one cup of plantains:

232 calories
5 grams of fibre
36% of your vitamins A and C

Oh and it is *highly recommended* that you eat it with a tablespoon of non-dairy ice cream, too.