Saturday, November 27, 2010

The hilarity continues!

Yesterday we went to the Salvation Army thrift store for records. Sunshine looked through stacks and stacks of them and found quite a few that she thought she might like.

The thing about Sunshine is that she is tiny- 5'4" and about 110 lbs. She also has waist length magenta hair (that is the hair that would match how she feels on the inside... in case you are wondering...) Sunshine has very large, round blue eyes that seem more blue because of the offset magenta. Sunshine is a SWEET girl... but not very good at math and from the time she was a little girl she would get panicky in a store because she might not have enough money at the till.

There is always a little of that in her eyes when she gets to the till and because she is just so little and CUTE, people want to help her. So she arrived at the till with 25 records and was charged $10. Some of them were sets so she was charged less!

She's been lifting weights with her brother, but didn't get any weight lifting in yesterday since we were out. Apparently carrying 25 records is a workout, though!

We stepped out of the store and she stalled - "OH! They won't FREEZE will they?!" She had this look of abject horror on her face. I assured her that they most certainly wouldn't freeze.

Even now she is listening to the Mellow Moods collection from Reader's digest. She came in and read my post then hugged me and thanked me for putting up with her. I hugged her back and thanked her for being blog fodder.

The stereo that she bought, if anyone is interested. She got the one with a little table that goes under it, but it is pretty much the same as this.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Okay, moms... this post is for you...

If your sweet teenager has EVER rolled their eyes at you before plinking the off button on their technology because you couldn't find it... :-) you will enjoy what I'm going to share with you.

Sunshine girl bought a unit from Sears that plays records, tapes, radio and CDs. Dh and I were downstairs watching a movie and when it was over we came up to a quiet main floor. I found the three kids in Sunshine's room all gathered around the new piece of furniture.

Brown Bear was rocking nervously and hugging the Styrofoam that it was packed in. Schmidt had the record cover and Sunshine was reading the instructions.... "33... IS it 33? It is. (Sigh of relief) 33... Then the arm... you LIFT the arm and place it on the record... oh... OH! It MOVES when you lift the arm..." And from Brown bear, "What is that SOUND? That ch-ch ch-ch"

By this time I was hysterical!

You should have seen them when I wiped off the record with a damp, lint-less cloth! They were gathered in a semi-circle around me with these slightly amazed looks on their faces.

Mothers of little kids might still get that look. Mothers of teens will remember the look. It is the look that says - WOW! You know *EVERYTHING*

At this point, I'll take a night like tonight where I see that look in their eyes, "Wow, mom. You know *something.*"