Monday, October 5, 2009

Thoughts on a frosty morning

Even the furry dog wasn't that impressed with the back yard this morning!

So, Sunshine Girl has a cold. We made The Cure. Cure is made from strong green tea, honey, lemon and sliced ginger. There are no real amounts. The only rule is that you need enough honey and lemon to make the ginger feel hot.

Anyway- it's not a guaranteed, 100% FOR SURE cure and she is still snuffy and miserable. Well, as miserable as she ever gets. We don't call her the Sunshine Child for nothing, you know.

This morning I suggest cough syrup- you know- the kind in a bottle. She went rummaging in the medicine cabinet and came back with Buckley's ( ) The tag line is, "it tastes awful, but it works."

It DOES taste awful. In fact it is really fun to watch people take it for the first time. Okay, well, when you are broke you have to make your own fun, right?

The picture this morning is my sister, Jam Tart. The person facing the camera is some random tourist. There will be new pictures soon. I found my camera cable this morning, but there is something about how the computer doesn't recognize the cable or something. It's all monkey to me!

I'll stand in the middle of the room and yell, "I need HELP getting pictures off my CAMERA!" until a teen comes and does it for me. Tomorrow is grocery shopping day and maybe I will let you see my pantry. I know you care!

Before I forget - I don't twitter or tweet of face space or my book or any of that. Also, this isn't one of those fun blogs where the owner bribes her readers with small appliances and other presents just for showing up and reading. You have to just come and read my stuff cuz you love me. And I know you do! :-)


  1. Boy, do I miss the days of being able to shout for a teen to do my bidding, computer or otherwise. Love ya Kim!
