Saturday, October 17, 2009


You know that feeling you have when you move into a new, empty place? That is what I'm going for, but without the move!

I have decluttered my environment as much as I'm reasonably able. I have kids who are 18 and 19 1/2 and the few extra things that I have around here are going to go with them when they move out. The 18 year old is chomping at the bit and can't wait to go.

Anyway- now I've started on all the OTHER clutter in my life. I got on the national Do Not Call list. I still get the recordings... and the bill collectors who have the wrong people... but it is not 5 or 6 calls a day like it was before.

The other thing I'm decluttering is email. I've had my address for about 8 years and I haven't been as protective of it as my home address. So I've signed up for newsletters and 'special offers' and a lot of educational things. I figured out they don't REALLY want to help me or save me money- they only want to market to me. They are email FLYERS and they must all go.

I'm coming down to the end of that, I think, and the next thing I'm going to tackle is television. How much television am I watching for background noise? Quite a bit I think.

1 comment:

  1. I've been decluttering too and discovered yesterday that most of the stuff taking up space in my den belongs to our girls - who moved out and left their stuff behind!
