Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Pedestrians are people, too.

So I forgot my bus tickets at work and didn't realize it until I was on the road. :-/ It looked pretty bare and dry so I decided to walk home. I have a limited number of tickets and have to walk 5 more times this month, anyway. I only work 2 kms from home so it isn't bad.

I get as far as downtown (where I live) and I'm nearly killed in the cross walk by a woman in a burgundy minivan. And I'm a little bit annoyed by it!

I still have a lot of work to do and if I am killed today- it won't get done! Seriously! It won't.

On the agenda today- bank, grocery store and car dealership. We are going to check how much we owe on our vehicle. Oh, yeah! We also need the hardware store. You know I don't have a furnace filter, yet, don't you?

It's Tuesday, but it sure FEELS like a Monday...

1 comment:

  1. Oh my! I bet you were shaking all the way home. Makes you want to carry an air horn around with you doesn't it?
