Monday, October 26, 2009

Tea and Cake- or death.

If you know who Eddie Izzard is you will think that is funny. If you don't ... You'll think - WOW! Kim is *Weird* with a capital W. True enough, but I'm not talking about my weirdness, today. I'm talking about cake.

So, Brown Bear turns 17 in about a week and a half and my thoughts naturally turn to cake.

This is Zu. She is from Singapore. Her blog is called quick and easy treats. It seems 'easy' in a way that few detail oriented North Americans can replicate... My favourite part is where you just HAVE 30 egg whites to make this cake.

The Zebra Cake
... basically a marble cake. Seems like we are narrowing in on something. Wouldnn't it be great for a party where you had to take it and impress a bunch of people?

The blob cake.... Now we are talking... This cake has gone too far in the other direction. Too many chemicals and colours, but I am going to steal the blob idea.

Wouldn't it be fun, I thought, if it was done in shades of chocolate and made into a camouflage pattern? And chocolate on top?! There would be very little food colouring in that... :-)

I thought this was a very versatile idea, though, and you could do shades of pink for little girls or your child's favourite colour. Or a white cake with smaller blobs of colour. I have thought of a lot of unit study enders in the last couple days...

This is a good time of year to look for sparkle sugar in the bakery section of your store. It is a lot cheaper than edible glitter and nearly as wonderful. Of course you can dye your own sugar, for free, with one drop of food colouring or (bit on the end of a toothpick if it is gel) and stir it up.

I know! I am an evil genius of cheapness! You may now praise me without holding back. ;-P But before you run off and post my camo cake idea on all your lists and every soldier's wife on three continents comes running over to look at it- just remember that you saw it here first.

Alright- that's all. I know all you can think about is cake, anyway, right? Go bake!



  1. {standing up and clapping wildly}
    Bravo, dear Kim! Bravo!
    Love your blog. You outdid yourself with this post. :-)
    19yo dd is the cake baker here...she ran off planning her version of the zebra cake after I showed this to her.
    BTW, her birthday was last week and she got NO CAKE! Life is unfair when you get old.

  2. Loving the blog kim.
    For easy, try the pioneer woman chocolate sheet cake. To die for.
    I cant imagine why you think Zu's cake is not easy. lol
