Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Barrier #3- No time.

I understand no time. I really, really do. My life is a tightly controlled chaos with everything neatly categorized into its own time spot. It's a little like Pandora's box- if anything escapes all the evil of the world is unleashed. That is why it is tightly controlled and things don't run over. The only way to get anything extra done is to squeeze something extra between other things.

For example, I got ready for work quickly and 5 extra minutes so I got a bag and picked up the garbage and recycling in my bedroom.

Sometimes you don't have a minute you only have thirty seconds or fifteen seconds. I've found that is usually enough time to clear off the bathroom counter. In fact most jobs around the house take less than five minutes if everything is generally kept up and organized.

I've got a spot where people can put their things to go to charity and it makes it a LOT easier to separate stuff as you find it a piece at a time. When the box is full - out it goes. :-)

So if you have no time and can't cut back on any of your commitments consider the tiny snippets of time because they do add up. :-)

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