Tuesday, February 16, 2010

You'll never believe what happened to me!

I had Saturday night off! And it was GOOD! =8-)

I lost my mind. It might be menopause. :-)

I woke up Sunday morning and I hated all my towels. I hated them! Why do I have burgundy towels? WHEN did I *buy* burgundy towels? Was it when I moved into my last house almost ten years ago. The kids didn't know, but they assured me that they don't remember a time when we didn't have burgundy towels... Yeah....

So I went out with the intention of buying towels. I bought a set of bath maths instead. A chocolate brown bath mat is a promissory note for chocolate brown towels. Also on my list is new bedding. I *do* remember the last time I bought new bedding and it's been a while.

Yesterday, I went out on Family Day (or Sham-ly Day as my supervisor calls it) and bought new dishes. I did! I know people are going to be shocked and I don't care. The plates are small and the bowls are very deep. It is just what I want. Dh and Brown Bear lobbied hard for large plates in a different colour, but I remained firm.

Actually, when dh showed me a lovely set of white dishes I told him, "I don't want to wait until you are DEAD to get what I want. I *will*, but I don't want to." That made him think that I should have whatever colour of green dishes that I want. :-)

The plates are 8 inches and the edges look like the petals of a flower. They are Debbie Travis (if anyone is in Canadian Tire and wants to see them) and the colour of the inside of an avocado. Very pretty!

I want a smaller plate partly for portion control and partly because they take up less room and partly because I'm insane. Did I mention the insanity already?

By the time I'm done ... everything in this house will be CLEAN... and MATCHING. :-)

1 comment:

  1. LOL, what color did you think your towels were? But I totally understand. If I bought bath mats thinking I would get matching towels later, the mats would be completely worn out before I got around to buying the towels. Hope you get yours complete before then.

    Congrats on the dishes too. I love Debbie Travis & wish I could still watch her show.
