Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Today is better... :-)

Just in case you didn't believe me that *Cheese is a Drug*

I talked to Jam Tart yesterday. She is coming for a visit today and wanted to know what she should bring. I told her red rice, black rice, sticky rice. Why can't I get sticky rice here? All the Asian people here must have a secret sticky rice connection.

I told her I was detoxing from dairy and she said, "that isn't going to happen to ME is it?" =8-o Uhhh... Well... What was I supposed to say? No? You'll be fine. In real life we don't call her Jam Tart or Jam-Jam. We call her Cheese-head. Usually we lay in a supply before she arrives.

She borrowed a detox book from her friend and is familiar with the idea of detox. And we have tea. Tea fixes everything. :-)

Okay, I still only half believe that a person has to detox from the Standard American Diet. We've always eaten pretty well. Plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables, whole grains, lean organic meat. I followed the food guide and believed the food guide was just that - a guide to food.

I looked at the food guide yesterday because I feared that perhaps I strayed from the path of the holy pyramid . I've heard vegans talking about how the food pyramid is upside down, but I didn't GET it until I started eating a lot more raw food. I am not eating 3 *cups* of whole grains per day. I don't think I eat three cups of whole grains in a week anymore. Well... unless popcorn counts. Sometimes Sunshine and I do popcorn and I eat a few cups at a time. :-P

Anyway- what would WE have to detox from? We were eating 'well'... But I have to ask! If we were eating so well then why were we sick? Wheat is ubiquitous. It is in everything. It is pretty easy to eat healthily because there are few products that we can just pick up off the shelf and eat.

Gluten is hidden in gum, makeup, shampoo, canned food, processed food, tea, anything with 'natural flavours' or 'starch', MSG, maltodextrin (unless specified that it is corn) and the list goes on like that.

It all started when I decided that I wasn't going to take junk and let them tell me it was great anymore. Why do North Americans put up with it? =8-o Honestly?! What is the matter with us? We're probably too whacked out on cheese to put up a fight...

1 comment:

  1. As much as I don't want to, I am going gluten-free for the next 3 weeks. It's not on the extreme candida diet, and I want to know if that is what is causing the throat problem I just can't shake. So I'll be reading your blog for tips even more.
