Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Well, it's a new month!

And it doesn't matter what any furry, weather predicting rodent says- there is going to be six more weeks of winter and then some.

I don't exactly have cabin fever because I leave the 'cabin' most days, but I think I probably do have the mid-winter blues.

In an effort to combat the blues I'm organizing my craft supplies and making some cards our of scraps and supplies that I have on hand. While I was out today doing 15% off day at the grocery store I stopped at Micheal's on the way home. I got a very large, black stamp pad. It was not frugal, but it was exactly what I wanted and I'm glad that I got it.

The other thing I'm doing is eating all the vegetables that I want. Tonight we are having shredded vegetables with pasta sauce and gluten free sourdough garlic buns. I just really want it and the rest of the family either has to eat what I want or make their own. I gave them fair warning and they decided they didn't want meat badly enough to cook it for themselves.

I'm hanging around Split Coast Stampers and Fat Free Vegan recipes for inspiration. :-)

1 comment:

  1. LOL, my family has come to the conclusion that it's easier to eat what I make than try to do it themselves too.
