Thursday, July 1, 2010

Canada Day!

Both of the boys were flag bearers this year- great honour. Well, that, and it was windy so you had to be a certain size... so you didn't blow away. You know that story about Winnie the Pooh and they are flying Roo by his sweater? Yeah, anyway! I digress!

The highlight of the day was when a Japanese tourist asked to have her picture taken with the boys. What the heck. I figure if we went to Japan we'd want our pictures taken with a Samurai soldier, right? ;-P

For supper we are having fried chicken made with gluten free bread crumbs. This post would be longer, but it's ready and I'm hungry!

1 comment:

  1. She/He wanted a picture taken with your boys because they are so beautiful and white. :)
