Friday, July 2, 2010

Canada Day #2

The boys stalled in front of this display... I don't know why. I tried to lure them away to see the albino moose, but no luck.

They had great fun check out the cap brass- hanging on the red felt, left side. Of course they were the most impressed with the Alberta regiments.

I have a lot more to say about this, too, but it's farmer's market day and I have to go talk to my favourite Hutterite about eggs.

1 comment:

  1. Ok...I admit it. I haven't read the blog for a few weeks. I haven't even been on MY blog for a few weeks. So I'm scrolling through and reading the posts and when I came to this one I thought...."Hmmm, Kim is making the boys wear uniforms for school now?"
    And then I saw the post b/f this one.


    BTW, I went to the Teacher's Store today and bought a stack of workbooks to torture my boys. School starts next month.
