Tuesday, December 7, 2010

So my friend Sarah came to town...

She called her husband and told him I was being" incredibly patient". Yeah, snicker. She doesn't know I bossed her around the whole time! Eg. "hey, Sarah, feel this one. It's FUZZY." In my spare time (between 10 pm and 10 am) I am a support worker and I really am extremly patient. I was just glad she didn't wander off every time I looked away... like my husband does...

Anyway- Sarah asked for clarification on the pseudonyms so here, for re-introduction purposes:

The daughter formerly known as "Don't know/ don't care." She has been renamed Ten-spot. There is not much to say about Ten-spot since she doesn't live at home, anymore. Ten-spot is 20 and lives with her boyfriend. He hasn't been gifted with a name, yet. I TRIED to call him by his name, but every time I did she would roll her eyes and say, "Moooom, don't say his name like that!" So he's Sport, Sparky, Meat, Cowboy, Spud... Boy...

Daughter #2 is Sunshine. Sunshine has waist-length magenta hair. She says that you should just be born with the hair colour that suits you. That way you would be able to just tell who the fun people are and who are the people that you should stay away from. She has discovered that only fun people will approach you when you have magenta hair. She works in the children's library and is an object of fascination for every toddler in the city. Also pre-teen girls bring their mothers in to look at her. The mothers all wonder WHAT kind of mother would allow THAT?! Well, she looks 14, but she is 19 so legally she can have any hair colour she likes AND I am the one who dyed it for her. I thought it was cute.

Son #1 Brown Bear. Brown Bear is 18 and 6'3" last we measured. I'm pretty sure he isn't done growing, though. He likes weight lifting and working out. He is an army cadet, on the drill team and a favourite in the supply room. He likes to hang out back there and put everything away in the right spot. He's still in school and has recently discovered audio books.

Son #2 Schmidt. 16 year old Schmidt (also an army cadet) is fascinated with Germany and writing stories. He needed a German name one time and I gave him Schmidt. For some reason he really liked it so when he got his name tag made up at Camp Vernon he used the name Schmidt. He wore the tag the whole time. No one noticed. I think he took it off before he travelled, though. There is never time for hilarity in an airport. You could end up on the floor with a jack boot on your neck! Schmidt loves the opera and is spending his Christmas money from Grandma Scriber on 'Don Carlo' next week.

So- that is my quirky bunch! Oh, and other stars in my private soap opera- My twenty-something sister, Jamie, who lives in the lower mainland. She is called Jam-Jam or Jam Tart.

She got the name from my brother, Kelly. He calls me "Kim-wit" I have another brother and another sister, but have not received express, written permission form their legal guardian to discuss them so they are but shadowy figures in the background.

And friend Sarah - last, but not least. She often mourns that she is not mentioned in my blog, pictured in my blog with famous people or given a cool nickname. I told her to get her picture taken with a famous person and I was sure I could hook her up. Honestly, though, Jam-Jam is a famous person magnet. I don't know how she does it, but she has run into a lot of famous people.

And now to leave you with a parting thought. The Grinch Advent Calendar. If the Grinch bribed me every day for 24 days I could probably really get into the holiday!

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